Income Security

As an independent contractor your health is essential in carrying out the work that ensures your income. If you are injured as a result of an occupational accident and are unable to work Personal Accident Cover will provide you with essential financial security.

Personal Accident Cover

The core consideration when it comes to Personal Accident Cover is what would happen to your income if you were unable to carry out your duties due to an accident at work. As a contractor and director of your own company your livelihood depends on your ability to carry out the work you have been contracted to undertake. You should look at personal accident insurance if you are concerned as to how you would survive if you were unable to work and wish to protect your income.

Personal accident cover helps to ease the financial exposure associated with occupational accidents and will usually pay you a weekly benefit while you recover from your injury. In addition, lump sum payments may also be available for death or permanent disability resulting from an occupational accident.


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