Umbrella Company Solution

Umbrella Company

We understand that being in control of your finances as a contractor is incredibly important to you. With over 20 years’ experience of providing financial support to contractors, freelancers and other self-employed professionals, we provide an umbrella company solution that you can truly rely on.

This ensures you’re always paid on time, without having to worry about any administrative paperwork or the day-to-day stress of running a limited company.

Our friendly, experienced team of Brookson umbrella experts are available to offer support, guidance and advice whenever you need it.

Stay in control with our umbrella company solution.

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Key Brookson One Umbrella Features

Working for yourself has never been easier.

With our umbrella solution you no longer have to worry about managing your finances or keeping track of modern tax legislation. We provide you with all the tools and support you need to give you peace of mind and make your life as a contractor significantly easier.

We offer the simplest way for contractors to get paid. Unlike managing contracting work yourself, we employ those carrying out short-term contract assignments and make the correct Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance contributions for you. This gives you complete peace of mind and ensures you receive no unexpected tax bills.

It’s quick, hassle-free and guaranteed same-day setup. Not only is it incredibly easy to set up - with no hidden costs or exit fees - but it’s also easy to manage on the job. Simply submit your completed timesheets and we take care of everything else.

With our umbrella company solution, contractors can reap the benefits of continuous contracted employment without the admin, stress and hassle that comes with running a limited company.


 What is an Umbrella Company?

Working through an umbrella company is an ideal solution for those planning to work on shorter assignments as a contractor or freelancer.

Umbrella employment means you become an employee of the umbrella company, allowing you to enjoy the flexibility of self-employment while also experiencing the same benefits and security of permanent employees.

Working under an umbrella company means you don’t have to worry about managing complicated paperwork and hassle surrounding managing your finances and taxes.

Our umbrella solution makes things simpler and easier for you by ensuring you’re always paid accurately and on time.



 How Does An Umbrella Company Work?

When you work through an umbrella company you become an employee of that business so you will be paid the same way as a regular permanent employee.

Other self-employment options mean you have to file your own tax returns whereas through an umbrella company, the hard work is taken care of as the umbrella company deduct income tax via Pay As You Earn (PAYE) and National Insurance contributions.

All you have to do is submit completed timesheets to the umbrella company, who will then invoice the client for the work you have done for them. Brookson will then receive the payment and pass it on to you (minus income tax, NI contributions and the umbrella company margin).

Working through an umbrella company is a very popular method of self-employment and with Brookson, our solution is incredibly simple and easy to set up.

The Benefits of Using an Umbrella Company

It’s simple to set up and even easier to use. Submit your completed timesheets to the umbrella company and they will ensure the client pays for your work and deduct any tax contributions.

We offer a rapid same-day set-up, meaning you can get started and reap the benefits of umbrella employment straight away. More importantly, you also don’t have to worry about any hidden costs or exit fees as we provide full visibility of our same-day payments via SMS notifications.

Easy to Set Up

It’s just such a simple solution. Simple to set up and even easier to use. All you have to do is submit your completed timesheets to the umbrella company, who’ll then ensure the client pays for your work and deduct any tax contributions. When you submit your timesheets regularly, you can expect to receive regular payments.

Brookson offer fast, effective same-day set-up, meaning you can get started and reap the benefits of umbrella employment straight away. Perhaps more importantly, you also don’t have to worry about any hidden set up costs or exit fees, while we also provide full visibility of our same-day payments via SMS notifications.

Reduced Stress

Using an umbrella solution allows you to focus on your work. No tax returns. No chasing client invoices. No frustrating paperwork to fill out. We take care of everything, while our experienced team are always on hand to answer any queries or address any concerns you may have. Instead of worrying about filing your tax return on time, you’ll have more time to concentrate on the job you’ve been hired to do.

We pass your tax and National Insurance contributions straight on to HMRC, ensuring you’re completely in line with your legal obligations and you don’t have to worry about breaking any rules. In addition, we run multiple daily pay roll runs to make sure you’re paid on time, every time; providing you with a more consistent and dependable source of income.

Statutory Employee Benefits

When working under an umbrella company, you’ll be given the same rights and benefits as a permanent employee—such as sick pay, holiday pay, workplace pension and maternity leave. In short, you get the same statutory benefits as a regular member of staff, but also receive the freedom and flexibility which makes self-employment such a popular path.

Brookson also provide work-finding services to assist you in finding your next assignment, alongside comprehensive worker insurance at no extra cost.

Helps Contractors Get Started

Due to the improved job security and the fact it’s so easy to get started, umbrella employment is an ideal option for those just starting to dip their toe in the world of contracting. Since you’ll still have access to the same statutory benefits of regular employment and will always get paid on time, you can start self-employed life without feeling completely weighed down by financial responsibility and stress.

A Flexible Solution

In fact, umbrella companies provide a great solution for just about anyone working for themselves. Whether you’re working on a long-term project or a much shorter assignment, setting up under an umbrella company is one of the most convenient ways to get started. This is a particularly good choice if you are working intermittently and don’t want to worry about managing your finances. However, if you're looking for further flexibility, Flex is a flexible way for contractors to switch easily between Limited and Umbrella working as and when needed. This means that you can continue to work your current contract through our Limited Solution and switch back to Umbrella when you start your next PSC contract – it’s that simple! 

Freeing Up Time

Since you won’t have to worry about managing your finances or any admin and paperwork, umbrella employment will naturally free up a lot of your time. As well as lifting a large weight off your shoulders and reducing stress levels, working through an umbrella company will ultimately ensure you’ve got more time to concentrate on your work and improve the quality of your results.

Limited Company vs PAYE Umbrella: Which is Right For You?

As someone who is self-employed one of the biggest decisions you have to make is whether you set up as a limited company or you work through an umbrella company.

This decision is based around your own specific requirements and how you want to operate as a contractor.

There are both fantastic benefits and some potential drawbacks for both options. So the question is: which is the right one for you?

Set Up - To set up a limited company you have to register your business’ name at Companies House. Once this is done, your business is now legally a separate entity to yourself, meaning that you won’t be personally liable for any company debts and financial issues.

Starting work under an umbrella company is even easier to set up. You simply sign a contract with the company, then submit a timesheet so they know how much to charge the client for your services.

Managing your finances - When working as a limited company, you’ll be solely responsible for the filling out, organising and submitting all of your financial paperwork. From filing your tax return to managing client invoices, the administration of your business will be completely down to you, although you can always hire a specialist contractor accountant to help if need be.

In an umbrella company, they will take care of all this paperwork, leaving you with more time to concentrate on actually doing your job.

Take-Home Pay - When working as a limited company, you avoid the cost of umbrella margins and you can also benefit from all kinds of tax efficiencies. Generally speaking, contractors operating as a limited company tend to take home more money. In fact, the average limited company stands to make 20% more than their umbrella company counter-parts.

However, umbrella companies take a lot of the hassle out of self-employment. By taking care of your tax payments, NICs and processing invoices, they significantly reduce the stress caused by admin and paperwork. However, the financial rewards perhaps aren’t as great as those available to limited companies. Since an umbrella company will take a chunk of your earnings to cover their services, your take-home pay will inevitably look different in comparison to working as a limited company.

  • Umbrella
    Employment Solution

  • Setup in as little as 24 hours
  • No setup costs
  • Centralised payday
  • Comprehensive insurance package
  • 24/7 access via an online portal
  • Additional Employee Perks
  • Register Online

 How to get Started?

Getting set up under an umbrella company is remarkably simple. In fact, it’s probably the simplest form of self-employment available to you.

To get started with Brookson, all you have to do is fill out our joining form below and we’ll take care of the rest. Or call us now on 0800 230 0213 to speak to our experienced team for a FREE consultation.

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